Then somehow I managed to agree to run in a 5K with my brother in June. My 30th birthday is this year and my hubby has been planning away. So (I think to get my rear-end moving) my brother said that he would help celebrate only if I ran in this 5K with him. It's the same race that I ran with him 4 years ago. That was the last race I ran in before I pretty much gave up running. But here I am trying again. It's going to be a slow start but at least I have a few months before the big day.
Despite my craziness there are some things that remain the same. My wonderful husband who supports me no matter what I choose to do. My cuddly beagles that love me no matter what I say. And my baby boy who makes me the happiest mommy in the world.
You can do it Allison! I know you can run that 5k, bake a cake for 150 people, keep being the great worker bee at our work, be a great Mommy, wife and dog owner, keep up with the house work, help your Mom with her homework, keep all your finances straight, finish painting that bedroom, make a healthy dinner for your family and everything else a great working Mommy does. Gosh you know after re-reading all the things you do, that I know of, maybe offering to make that cake was a little crazy.... :)